Tracer Cosplay - Amouranth
Tracer is from the Overwatch Video Game.
With a unique ability to control the speed of her own
passage through time, Tracer zips and blinks around the battlefield, eluding
attackers and sneaking past defenses.
A perfect skirmisher hero, Tracer is
fragile but hard to hit, keeping one step ahead of her attackers while she
harasses and harries the enemy team.
Tracer excels at getting behind enemy
lines, but it is inadvisable to move her through chokepoints. Should she find
herself blinking into an ambush, she can rewind time to her position and state
a few seconds earlier, giving her a second chance.
Tracer conceptually began with the idea of a hero that
blinked across the map. She was one of the first three heroes developed for the
game, alongside Reaper and Widowmaker. She is likened her to Spider-Man.
Currently, Tracer is the 'mascot character' of Overwatch,
and its centerpiece hero. She has been called the "Rosetta Stone" of
the game. Her design used to include a jacket.
Cosplayer: Amouranth Cosplay Kaitlyn Siragusa
Photos taken at Stan Lee's LA Comic Con 2016, Los Angeles Convention Center
Manny Llanura Photography